Did YOU Miss All the Fun Today?

September 14, 2020 2:16 PM | Deleted user

It is Happening This week!

Each day a different show, different theme, FUN, PRIZES, and More.

Today was Who Wants To Be A Promo Star?? Featuring Fourth Quarter Gifts

Missed it? The recording is on the SAAGNY website -
members only section  click here

Today's Prize Winners

Donna L. - $15 Gas Gift Card

Diana K. - Sasquatch Bag from AAA Innovtions

Lynne D. - Blanket from Terry Town

Larry J. - Epicurean Set from Victorinox

Trish G. - Gift Box for her AND her Client from Fairytale Brownies 

Beth S - Blanket from Logomark

Randi G. - Cheese Board from Logomark

Ian M. - $250 Amex Gift Card

Thank you to all our Presenters Today!

Jason - JSA, Mark - AAA, Eileen - Fairytale Brownies, Dale - IMC, Pam - Logomark, Ken - Maple Ridge Farms, Mark - Terry Town, Danielle - Victorinox

Don't miss tomorrow's show -  Promo Pyramid Featuring Top Sellers!

Click here to register