SAAGNY Supplier Update: Cedar Crest

August 13, 2020 12:49 PM | Deleted user

As some of you know and some of you don’t, Cedar Crest (and the entire Cedar Rapids area including 20 counties) was hit by an severe storm with 100+ mph winds. We lost all power, internet and cell phone service area wide. Both of the electric utilities and all cell phone providers went down Monday about noon. Cedar Crest was not able to contact anyone to let them know what was happening until power was restored this morning. Cedar Crest is not operational yet but they do now have access to their computer system. They are in the process of trying to contact their personnel who most are still without communication capability.

Cedar Crest is in the process of contacting customers who have orders in-house to let them know the status and find out if they still want the orders to ship. UPS and FedEx are only partially operational so shipping service will be questionable until Monday or Tuesday of next week.

Jim Boulet - Sales Manager

Cedar Crest Mfg.

Phone -319-363-1643

Toll Free - 877-838-0888
